Improving Road Safety through clear vision

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Summer 2018 8 young Kenyans were trained within 9 days to perform vision tests and the assembly of twobillioneyes glasses. Within 14 days they were able to perform 590 vision tests and deliver 217 glasses under supervision but independently! 561 of the tested were truck drivers. This has been of great value for improving Road Safety and the local partnering organisation ‘Vijana Reloaded’ is now developing a business model for these newly trained Kenyans so that they can continue to deliver glasses in a sustainable income generating way, not only to drivers but also to the community at large.

A successful five days for TBE at Silmo Optical Fair

A successful five days for TBE at Silmo Optical Fair

We know we have been rather quiet on our blog these past few months, but this certainly does not reflect the work and progress we have been experiencing on the ground. We will share some exciting news later this week of a significant pilot project that will be taking place in Kenya this month. Right now, we are recovering from a very successful participation at the Silmo Optical Fair.