our core Values

These are the 7 core principles which provide the foundation and guide the work of TWOBILLIONEYES.




In a globalized world that is physically united and economically interdependent, the central challenge is to achieve a similar unity in the human family, while respecting its diversity. Accepting the oneness of humankind is essential at all levels of human organization from the workplace to the planet.



Human Nobility

Humanity has a higher purpose than just material satisfaction. The human being has physical, intellectual and spiritual realities, with human experience essentially spiritual in nature. We can direct our energies to lower things like ego, greed, apathy and violence, or rise to develop the limitless potentialities latent in human.



Gender Equality

To achieve the full potential of the human race, both women and men must advance equally and develop their complementary capacities in partnership.






Justice is required for the unity of humanity, and the ruling principle of successful social organization. Justice and equity find applications throughout the economy, the workplace and the enterprise.




Moderation should be exercised in all things, as excess is always damaging. For everything there is an optimal size or rate, including for material civilization and the economy.




It is our obligation to present and future generations to use the planet’s resources in ways that ensure sustainability and equity into the distant future. Sustainable environmental management is a fundamental responsibility for our spiritual well-being as well as our physical survival.




The highest station is service to all humanity and to the common good, a principle that applies equally to the individual, to government and to private enterprise. Service is principles put into action.

We endeavour to apply these lofty principles in the daily operations of our work using the following tools:


We believe consultation is the collective search for truth, considering all points of view without attachment to personal opinions. We endeavour to apply this tool in all fields of our work.


You will agree that no nation or community can solve global problems alone, and many skills and perspectives are needed to address the complex issues of our interconnected world, requiring a spirit of positive collaboration. Effective collaboration is essential to bring clear vision to the over one billion people in this world who currently need it but do not have access to it.


We should release the capacity of every human being by working side by side in a humble attitude of learning, with widening circles of informed participation, delighting in the progress and service of others. Accompaniment is leadership without leaders. Our approach is to train and empower people in their locality, building their capacity so they can actively participate in being part of the solution.

Ever-Advancing Learning

The process of generating and applying knowledge has a central place in human life and society, and leads to social advancement. Education should be lifelong, providing the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills necessary to allow everyone to contribute to society.  Without the ability to see clearly, this process is halted early on and we want to help remove this obstacle to learning.

New Work Ethic

Meaningful work in an occupation, craft or trade not only provides material means but also performs a service for society and thus has spiritual as well as material significance. Work is worship. Everyone has both a right and an obligation to learn a useful skill and to use it for the benefit of all. We want to help bring this about, be it that with access to clear vision people are empowered to pursue an education and learn a trade, or in even a more practical way that they are given the option to train and become a TWOBILLIONEYES Vision Collaborator and actively bring clear vision in their localities.

Ethics In Business

Business must be founded on trustworthiness and truthfulness, and consider justice and equity in all its operations. The purpose of business should be service to society, and not just the generation of wealth.

A New Paradigm of Economics

We need new economic models for a dynamic, just and thriving social order, that are strongly altruistic and cooperative in nature, provide meaningful employment, and help to eradicate poverty in the world. It is our hope that TWOBILLIONEYES will continue to grow  in its business model, thus contributing to this new paradigm.

A Learning Community

Transforming business and society requires a learning community involved in action, reflection, and consultation, that empowers individuals and harnesses collective action for the betterment of the community and society.  TWOBILLIONEYES conducts its affairs in a constant humble posture of learning.


Social, environmental and personal responsibility encompasses trustworthiness, honesty, virtue, wisdom, a saintly character and virtuous behavior; as well as respect for the earth, detachment, meeting one’s needs but not to excess; and showing kindness to strangers, voluntary sharing and preferring others over oneself, acknowledging that each member of the human race is born into the world as a trust of the whole.