Founder & Chairman of the Board. Optician, Trainer
Strategist, coach
Business Developer Optical Engineer
John de Brabander
Education advisor & Curriculum developer Optometrist and Educationist
Communications Digital Media Strategist
Communications Partnerships Mediation and coaching
MD, Physician, Chief Medical Officer
Supervisory Board
Serial Entrepreneur and Innovator
Change & Operations Management and
Business Development
Multiple Entrepreneur
Marjolein Lips - Wiersma - Professor Ethics & Sustainability Leadership, Faculty of Business, Economics & Law. Documents progress of Twobillioneyes.
Jan Willem van den Brink - CEO Metzler vision group, advises with purchase, far east production.
Regien van der Poel - Translations
Team of advisors
Tamar Azami - Planner/Coördinator
Joachim Baan - Creative Something at ...,staat & NewWerktheater
Monique Blokzyl - Pitching Coach and Mentor
Frank Boode - Imagineer, experience architect, creative consultant
Leoni Cuelenaere - Dutch Ambassador in Bangladesh
Françoise Le Goff - Head of Administration at IFRC
Martijn Kersten - Management Consultant and Mentor
Gerard Smith - Medical consultant
May Taherzadeh - Film Director
Hessel Waalewijn - Photographer and videographer
Ward Warmerdam - Supplier Analyst / Sr. financial researcher
Legal & Policy Advisors
Maja Groff - Senior Legal Officer at The Hague Conference on Private International Law
Susan Morse - Owner, Lee & Morse, P.C.
Marjolein Driessen - Lawyer/Partner at Legaltree
Michael Peffer-Partner Stolp+Kab Financial Services
Henriëtte Lenters - Policy adviser Dutch Government
Pierre Steeghs - Owner Rubicon Tax advisers and auditors
Theo-Willem van Leeuwen - European Trademark attorney
Thomas van Grafhorst - Notary at Smith Boeser van Grafhorst notarissen
Reyer Krikke - Trade Mark and Design Attorney at Apeiron Intellectual Property